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人気の女性主義の最新 の投稿

ソース: バージョン: 他の言語: 購読: ソーシャル: 最終更新日: 2024-02-25T17:18:03.610+08:00   統計を見る
23-12-13  What are some works from an older time which have surprisingly progressive views? (www.reddit.com)
23-12-12  To what end do feminists believe abortion-criminalizing voters want to "control women" and why do they often conflate questioning this narrative with condoning their policy? (www.reddit.com)
23-12-12  Rina Gonoi: Three Japanese ex-soldiers found guilty of sexual assault (www.bbc.com)
23-12-12  Kate Cox’s quote of how she “never thought she’d be in this situation” made me think of women who become pro-choice only when they themselves need an an abortion. (www.reddit.com)
23-12-11  Texas Justice Arrested 37 Times Protesting at Clinics, Currently on Court (Texas Tribune) (old.reddit.com)
23-12-11  Patriarchy, sexual abuse and the unfairness of our own psychology (TX sexual assault and rape). (www.reddit.com)
23-12-11  Do you believe it's fair for a woman who does not wish to do traditional things to expect a man to be traditional? (www.reddit.com)
23-12-10  What do you think about the phrase “if men got pregnant, you could get an abortion at an ATM”? (www.reddit.com)
23-12-10  Firefighters caught taking pics of dead women’s underwear and rating it weekly (www.reddit.com)
23-12-09  Texas Supreme Court pauses lower court's order allowing pregnant woman to have an abortion - despite fatal fetal anomaly. (apnews.com)
23-12-10  Study identifies four predictors of prejudice towards childfree individuals: right-wing authoritarianism, political beliefs, collective narcissism, and religiosity. (pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov)
23-12-10  I'm an autistic man. I agree this article had some good points, but I felt like it was very sarcastic, and talking down to me. (www.reddit.com)
23-12-09  There is evidence that vaginal and pelvic muscles become stronger the more frequently a woman has sex. (www.reddit.com)
23-12-09  Does violence against women necessarily correlate to women's systematic oppression? (www.reddit.com)
23-12-09  how come women deliberately want to get married and have children? or overall the traditional housewife life? (www.reddit.com)
23-12-08  Livid at the discrepancy in male vs female medical care. (www.reddit.com)
23-12-08  Assuming that we live in a world where both sexes have equal opportunities and it turns out that the female gender is starting to dominate. Is feminism no longer needed in such a situation or would feminism start fighting against women's excessive power? (www.reddit.com)
23-12-08  Do you think the way people act when they’re growing up affects how their life turns out? (www.reddit.com)
23-12-07  Empathy Beyond Boundaries: Can we Understand Intersectionality in Marginalized Communities? (www.reddit.com)
23-12-07  Why Women Hate the Pill | What birth control teaches us about the failure—and future—of women’s health care (thewalrus.ca)
23-12-07  My best friend of 7 years defends prostitution (www.reddit.com)
23-12-06  Is it acceptable for a couple to be a one-income couple as long as the circumstances are right? (Details inside) (www.reddit.com)
23-12-05  Protesters near the U.N. push for broader condemnation of sexual violence on Oct. 7. (www.nytimes.com)
23-12-05  A 43-year-old South Korean woman adopted her best friend, seeking to create an alternative family outside traditional marriage, as part of a broader trend of feminist social experiments in the country (www.aljazeera.com)
23-12-05  The majority of President Joe Biden's appointed judges to date have been women or minorities - a first in the history of the United States (www.pewresearch.org)
23-12-05  The majority of President Joe Biden's appointed judges to date have been women or minorities - a first in the history of the United States. What are your thoughts on this, and how big a step towards progress is it? (www.reddit.com)
23-12-03  “The economics of industrialized countries would collapse if women didn't do the work they do for free” (www.reddit.com)
23-12-03  Women in the work force, education and democracy. Is it really correcting a secular injustice? (www.reddit.com)
23-12-02  Why does it seem like many women who struggle financially don't try their hand at learning new mechanical skills that would save them substantial amounts of money? (www.reddit.com)
23-12-01  The concept of being in love and in a relationship (with a man) as something we should all aspire to is the oldest, most successful PR scheme of all time. (www.reddit.com)
23-11-30  Why do men comment on facebook pics with "hot" or "sexy" even though the last 68 men to do so received no attention whatsoever? (www.reddit.com)
23-11-30  What are practical ways to improve the justice system as it relates to SA? (www.reddit.com)
23-11-30  Child marriage: 'I was sold into marriage for £7 at the age of 12' (www.bbc.com)
23-11-30  What kind of means do you think you would use to guess whether someone is more likely than not to have done some sort of sexual misconduct? (www.reddit.com)
23-11-30  Health complications arising out of pregnancy and child birth needs to be more talked about (www.reddit.com)
23-11-29  Purity Culture is R*pe Culture, and the Toxic Incel Problem Comes Directly From It (www.reddit.com)
23-11-29  Its time to take a stance on a particular religion which keeps supressing women (www.reddit.com)
23-11-29  Girls less likely to be diagnosed with special educational needs – new research (theconversation.com)
23-11-29  Allie Phillips was denied a life-saving abortion. She’s now running for office in Tennessee | Allie Phillips is running for office in her district in Clarksville, She spoke about how she’s one of the first women to run for office who has been directly impacted by the overturning of Roe v. Wade (www.independent.co.uk)
23-11-29  Question about the wage gap that I can’t think of a counter argument to. (www.reddit.com)
23-11-29  Lawsuit challenging Texas abortion bans appears before state Supreme Court (abcnews.go.com)
23-11-28  This Detroit school for pregnant teens had a 90% graduation rate, and a 100% college acceptance rate; it got shut down because funding cuts (outliermedia.org)
23-11-28  If you were to peg specific times as to when women's rights became normalized in the world, when would that be? (www.reddit.com)
23-11-28  What would your opinion be on an action movie with a female main character and has a predominantly female cast, but the movie does not focus on feminism and "female power"? (www.reddit.com)
23-11-28  The story of Adam and Eve is to take the divinity of human creation away from women (www.reddit.com)
23-11-28  Which decision was worse? The FBI director James Comey’s decision to publicly announce that he was reopening The Hillary Clinton Email investigation a week before the 2016 Presidential Election or The Supreme Court Decision to stop The Florida Recount in the 2000 Election? (www.reddit.com)
23-11-28  Assuming theres no misogyny, whats the difference between the 4B movement in Korea and the MGTOW movement (www.reddit.com)
23-11-27  Do you believe the young generation of boys is going to be more misogynistic than ever before? (www.reddit.com)
23-11-27  Doesn't making enthusiastic consent a requirement make it impossible for men who aren't extremely physically attractive to be able to engage in sexual intimacy? (www.reddit.com)
23-11-27  Why was Hillary Clinton heavily favored to win the Presidency in 2016 when it is rare for the Presidents Party to retain The Whitehouse for more than two consecutive terms? (www.reddit.com)