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“Pop culture detective” YouTube recommendation (www.reddit.com)
What are some works from an older time which have surprisingly progressive views? (www.reddit.com)
To what end do feminists believe abortion-criminalizing voters want to "control women" and why do they often conflate questioning this narrative with condoning their policy? (www.reddit.com)
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Rina Gonoi: Three Japanese ex-soldiers found guilty of sexual assault (www.bbc.com)
Cone of Silence protecting a Grooming Predator (CEO) at Work - WWYD? (www.reddit.com)
Kate Cox’s quote of how she “never thought she’d be in this situation” made me think of women who become pro-choice only when they themselves need an an abortion. (www.reddit.com)
How come almost any video featuring a woman being interviewed, men will go out their way to compliment their appearance? (www.reddit.com)
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‘They violated our rights’: Chile’s draft constitution fails women, say activists (www.theguardian.com)
Is my mom babying my dad or am I just being stupid and radical (www.reddit.com)
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Man Throws Album At Girls' Generation's Taeyeon, Demands She Gives Him Her Phone Number (www.koreaboo.com)
What do you think is the most accessible feminist act that would have the largest impact? (www.reddit.com)
Extremely frustrating conversation with male friends about feminism, need advice. (www.reddit.com)
Younge Iranian women lined up to greet US President Nixon’s 1972 Trip to Iran (www.reddit.com)
What are some good areas of focus that don't involve men? (www.reddit.com)
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Patriarchy, sexual abuse and the unfairness of our own psychology (TX sexual assault and rape). (www.reddit.com)
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Discrimination During Pregnancy May Alter Circuits in Infants’ Brains (www.cuimc.columbia.edu)
I have a feeling there is something very morally wrong with Girlfriend ASMR (www.reddit.com)
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Algorithmic Ad Blocking Limits Information About Abortion In Colombia (www.forbes.com)
What do you think of mandated ID verification for porn? (www.reddit.com)
Why do you think the Marvels Flopped while Barbie was incredibly successful? (www.reddit.com)
Do you believe it's fair for a woman who does not wish to do traditional things to expect a man to be traditional? (www.reddit.com)
Is Mandatory Child Support Unethical? (Trigger Warning: heavey topic, discussion of Rape) (www.reddit.com)
Am I radical for probably dumping by boyfriend for not seeing any problem with patriarchy? (www.reddit.com)
Do guys really think being creepy pressuring and manipulating girls into sex is going to go well for them in the long run? (www.reddit.com)
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A pregnant Texas woman asked a court for permission to get an abortion, despite a ban. What's next? (apnews.com)
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AI can predict intimate partner femicide from variables extracted from legal documents (www.psypost.org)
What do you think about the phrase “if men got pregnant, you could get an abortion at an ATM”? (www.reddit.com)
Is it okay for me to feel hurt by the way my mom raised me as still defends it? (www.reddit.com)
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Firefighters caught taking pics of dead women’s underwear and rating it weekly (www.reddit.com)
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Texas Supreme Court pauses lower court's order allowing pregnant woman to have an abortion - despite fatal fetal anomaly. (apnews.com)
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Study identifies four predictors of prejudice towards childfree individuals: right-wing authoritarianism, political beliefs, collective narcissism, and religiosity. (pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov)
Feminists here commonly say that men are responsible for solving their issues, not feminists. If so, then do men have any responsibility to care about your issues? (www.reddit.com)
I'm an autistic man. I agree this article had some good points, but I felt like it was very sarcastic, and talking down to me. (www.reddit.com)
Why is taliban's women oppression not given atmost importantce in the media? (www.reddit.com)
9-year-old being sold for marriage to 55-year-old man (youtu.be)
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There is evidence that vaginal and pelvic muscles become stronger the more frequently a woman has sex. (www.reddit.com)
Does violence against women necessarily correlate to women's systematic oppression? (www.reddit.com)
is it a coincidence that wealthy and powerful men are calling for 3 women university presidents to be ousted? (www.reddit.com)
how come women deliberately want to get married and have children? or overall the traditional housewife life? (www.reddit.com)
Has online dating made it difficult for women to settle? (www.reddit.com)
What do you think the biggest benefit to being a man is in 2023 ? (www.reddit.com)
Do You Think “Pick Me” Might Be A Derogatory Term. (www.reddit.com)
How did this joke start that being sick doesnt affect women at all and men are always little babies when theyre sick? (www.reddit.com)
Assuming that we live in a world where both sexes have equal opportunities and it turns out that the female gender is starting to dominate. Is feminism no longer needed in such a situation or would feminism start fighting against women's excessive power? (www.reddit.com)
Why is the b word receiving a cultural rehabilitation? (www.reddit.com)
Collective madness happening in Korea (www.reddit.com)
Stan Tzouvelekes of Greenville city council is trying to shut down the abortion clinic (www.greenvillecounty.org)
A male coworker is harassing me and other female coworkers. My higher ups told us that if anyone complains about that coworker we'll all be fired. I'm scared. (old.reddit.com)
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A Texas judge grants a pregnant woman permission to get an abortion despite the state’s ban (apnews.com)
Why do i suddenly feel the need to be beautiful again? How do i deal with it? (www.reddit.com)
Anyone else feel like a lot of feminists critique other women as feminists to the point of being anti-feminist? (www.reddit.com)
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Grant Thornton Invitational Shines A Light On Pay Parity In Pro Golf (www.forbes.com)
Do you think the way people act when they’re growing up affects how their life turns out? (www.reddit.com)
Empathy Beyond Boundaries: Can we Understand Intersectionality in Marginalized Communities? (www.reddit.com)
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Why Women Hate the Pill | What birth control teaches us about the failure—and future—of women’s health care (thewalrus.ca)
Those subs on here where you post a picture of yourself and people "rate" you are so toxic and I hope they all get taken down someday. I also noticed a stark contrast with how the women are treated vs. the men (www.reddit.com)
My best friend of 7 years defends prostitution (www.reddit.com)
In a complete feminist society, how do you think male victims of domestic violence would be treated? (www.reddit.com)
How do you feel about someone having relationship or hookups or friendship with misogynistic or racist or homophobic or other kinds of bigots while calling themselves feminist or LGBTQ ally? (www.reddit.com)
Is getting lectured by uber/other drivers a common experience, a women only experience or something that only happens to people who look dumb like me? (www.reddit.com)
Rant: Mansplaining in the form of unsolicited advice when the plans have already been laid! SMDH (www.reddit.com)
Kim Jong-un cries as he tells women to have more babies (www.reddit.com)
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'Widespread' sexual and gender-based crimes committed during Hamas attack, Israeli officials say (apnews.com)
How do you talk about sexual assault without offending others? (www.reddit.com)
Is it acceptable for a couple to be a one-income couple as long as the circumstances are right? (Details inside) (www.reddit.com)
Conversation with a friend about Sex Work and Power (www.reddit.com)
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Protesters near the U.N. push for broader condemnation of sexual violence on Oct. 7. (www.nytimes.com)
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A 43-year-old South Korean woman adopted her best friend, seeking to create an alternative family outside traditional marriage, as part of a broader trend of feminist social experiments in the country (www.aljazeera.com)
I witnessed a horrific domestic violence situation in public and feel demoralized by the way police (don't) respond to such situations (www.reddit.com)
Men are told to hold other men accountable and yet are told that women can’t be held accountable for the actions of “some” women. (www.reddit.com)
Women - how do you find that your feminist beliefs affect your relationships with other women, particularly if you're very open about them? (www.reddit.com)
What's the purpose of trying to preserve masculinity/femininity? (www.reddit.com)
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The majority of President Joe Biden's appointed judges to date have been women or minorities - a first in the history of the United States (www.pewresearch.org)
The majority of President Joe Biden's appointed judges to date have been women or minorities - a first in the history of the United States. What are your thoughts on this, and how big a step towards progress is it? (www.reddit.com)
Is it a “male loneliness epidemic” or is it just that *everyone* is lonely?? (www.reddit.com)
What to say to the "women should be grateful for prostitution" argument? (www.reddit.com)
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"Patriarchy Kills! Fight Back" spotted in Winterthur, Switzerland (old.reddit.com)
What are some things that make you happy/hopeful/proud about the impact of feminism on everyday life? (www.reddit.com)
Was I offensive for saying I don't find the concept of an invisible man scary? (www.reddit.com)
“The economics of industrialized countries would collapse if women didn't do the work they do for free” (www.reddit.com)
I've literally just been proposed to and I feel manipulated af (www.reddit.com)
A male recruiter told that I was « authoritarian ». Would he have said the same to a man?! (www.reddit.com)
How do I explain the misogynistic nature of calling a women “domineering” because her personality is non conforming to typical gender roles within a hetero relationship? (www.reddit.com)
Do you think severe punishment for rape is regressive? (www.reddit.com)
Women in the work force, education and democracy. Is it really correcting a secular injustice? (www.reddit.com)
Does feminism have any desire for collective good outside maximizing individual women's power and ambition? (www.reddit.com)
What’s the most absurd question you’ve seen posed on this subreddit or in a similar space? (www.reddit.com)
Do you guys go on dates and seek relationships as you get older? (www.reddit.com)
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Teen girls are being victimized by deepfake nudes. One family is pushing for more protections (apnews.com)
K-Pop Stars Opened a Night Club to Drug & Sell Women to Overseas Investors (youtu.be)
Resources to deal with constant backlash towards feminism in STEM communities? (www.reddit.com)
With GTA 6 having a female protagonist, do you plan on playing it? (www.reddit.com)
Why a 50-year-old man saying he would date a 20-year-old woman perceived as creepy but an 85-year-old woman saying she wouldn't date a man older than 20 just funny? (www.reddit.com)
Why does it seem like many women who struggle financially don't try their hand at learning new mechanical skills that would save them substantial amounts of money? (www.reddit.com)
What do you think about attempts from MRA to change the term "toxic masculinity" to "toxic expectations on men"? (www.reddit.com)
The concept of being in love and in a relationship (with a man) as something we should all aspire to is the oldest, most successful PR scheme of all time. (www.reddit.com)
Is the reason there is no word for a male “nympho”, because it is generally assumed that all men are nymphos? (www.reddit.com)
Testosterone aggression is worse in the world than women’s emotionality but praised instead of demonized (www.reddit.com)
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A chat with Constance Thompson, senior vice president of DEI at ACORE (old.reddit.com)
So I was thinking about the game Witcher 3 and how it seems feminist at the surface level but is actually deeply sexist. Idk if this is a discussed opinion but what do you all think? (www.reddit.com)
Am I wrong for thinking a song by Nicki Minaj, someone who knowingly married a sex offender, is extremely hypocritical to include in the Barbie Movie? (www.reddit.com)
Quit making us feel bad for getting angry due to our bodies natural functions and societal lessons. (www.reddit.com)
I am constantly objectified and sexualised at work (www.reddit.com)
Why do men comment on facebook pics with "hot" or "sexy" even though the last 68 men to do so received no attention whatsoever? (www.reddit.com)
Is shaming men for having good relationships with their mother a form of toxic masculinity? (www.reddit.com)
Are my feelings, towards CNC, paternalistic, condescending, or benevolent misogyny? (www.reddit.com)
whats the difference between expressing sexual attraction and "sexualization" (www.reddit.com)
What is really meant when feminists say that men objectify women and don't see them as human beings? (www.reddit.com)
Why’s Ueno Chizuko a nobody in western countries? Why there’s no one translating her book? (www.reddit.com)
How can I live happily and safely in this reality where sex offenders are everywhere? (www.reddit.com)
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British hospitals where worker had sex with 100 corpses failed to protect those it cared for, report finds (www.nbcnews.com)
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Child marriage: 'I was sold into marriage for £7 at the age of 12' (www.bbc.com)
What kind of means do you think you would use to guess whether someone is more likely than not to have done some sort of sexual misconduct? (www.reddit.com)
Health complications arising out of pregnancy and child birth needs to be more talked about (www.reddit.com)
Purity Culture is R*pe Culture, and the Toxic Incel Problem Comes Directly From It (www.reddit.com)
Its time to take a stance on a particular religion which keeps supressing women (www.reddit.com)
Is it correct of me to assume that men’s societal issues are a minor focus of Feminism? (www.reddit.com)
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Girls less likely to be diagnosed with special educational needs – new research (theconversation.com)
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Houston area woman fight to hold school accountable for special needs daughter's sexual assault may go to US Supreme Court (www.click2houston.com)
I have a question for people on the sub what made you become a feminist and why and what do you think can be done to help others understand more what it’s about (www.reddit.com)
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Texas AG’s office argues women should sue doctors — not state — over lack of abortion access (thehill.com)
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Allie Phillips was denied a life-saving abortion. She’s now running for office in Tennessee | Allie Phillips is running for office in her district in Clarksville, She spoke about how she’s one of the first women to run for office who has been directly impacted by the overturning of Roe v. Wade (www.independent.co.uk)
Looking at the “popular” page is unbearable for me (www.reddit.com)
Question about the wage gap that I can’t think of a counter argument to. (www.reddit.com)
Do trans women get to have an opinion on abortion? (www.reddit.com)
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Lawsuit challenging Texas abortion bans appears before state Supreme Court (abcnews.go.com)
what resources have helped you heal wounds surrounding your femininity? (www.reddit.com)
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This Detroit school for pregnant teens had a 90% graduation rate, and a 100% college acceptance rate; it got shut down because funding cuts (outliermedia.org)
If you were to peg specific times as to when women's rights became normalized in the world, when would that be? (www.reddit.com)
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Non-Smoking Women Are Getting Lung Cancer - But Are Going Unscreened (www.forbes.com)
What would your opinion be on an action movie with a female main character and has a predominantly female cast, but the movie does not focus on feminism and "female power"? (www.reddit.com)
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Michigan Gov. Whitmer Signs Bills Aiming to Codify Abortion Into State Law (themessenger.com)
Why Organized Religion is the Most Misogynist Institution Man has Ever Created (youtu.be)
Do you find it offensive that women are being put into "other" categories while men still get their own category as men? (www.reddit.com)
The story of Adam and Eve is to take the divinity of human creation away from women (www.reddit.com)
Which decision was worse? The FBI director James Comey’s decision to publicly announce that he was reopening The Hillary Clinton Email investigation a week before the 2016 Presidential Election or The Supreme Court Decision to stop The Florida Recount in the 2000 Election? (www.reddit.com)
Opinions appreciated: Have I misinterpreted intersectional feminism's definition of a "feminist?" (www.reddit.com)
Assuming theres no misogyny, whats the difference between the 4B movement in Korea and the MGTOW movement (www.reddit.com)
Are there feminist arguments against being shallow in love, and can you give me healthy relationship resources? (www.reddit.com)
How do I gather the courage to call out relatives when they say something racist/sexist/etc (www.reddit.com)
Do you believe the young generation of boys is going to be more misogynistic than ever before? (www.reddit.com)
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Her Ex-Husband Wrote a Hit Book About Abstinence. Now, She’s Telling Her Side of the Story. (slate.com)
Doesn't making enthusiastic consent a requirement make it impossible for men who aren't extremely physically attractive to be able to engage in sexual intimacy? (www.reddit.com)
Judith Levine’s most controversial work (www.reddit.com)
Why was Hillary Clinton heavily favored to win the Presidency in 2016 when it is rare for the Presidents Party to retain The Whitehouse for more than two consecutive terms? (www.reddit.com)
The way men talk about women makes me completely disinterested in dating. (www.reddit.com)